
I am Emma, and I really like artsy stuff, and that’s what this web page is all about! I will teach you about different things, from crocheting to paper macheing, from cooking to organizational tips. I myself have not been the best with keeping everything of mine neat and tidy, but I am working very hard on that. Meanwhile, I am working on sharing some of my ideas with the world, and trying to make it a more productive place, where people, not only consume, but produce for others like themselves. sorry about my ranting. I’ll try to get over that in later pages. but, for now, thank you for viewing my brand-new web page, and I hope that you like it!

Sincerely, and with great meaning,


P.S.   the picture of the bunny above is my lop, Bits. she is a very snuggalable bunny, and I think she is also a very happy one, too.

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